Press and media relations

Press clippings about Dine With The Locals

Find below some of the press articles and TV reports about us. You can also download our press releases at the bottom of the page.

ZDF German TV

We were featured in the Episode of “Mit 80 Jahren um die Welt” in September 2019, a popular ZDF Show with 1,9 million viewers.

ZDF mit 80 Jahren um die Welt in Kambodscha

  ZDF mit 80 Jahren um die Welt in Kambodscha

ZDF mit 80 Jahren um die Welt in Kambodscha

ZDF mit 80 Jahren um die Welt in Kambodscha

ZDF mit 80 Jahren um die Welt in Kambodscha

ZDF mit 80 Jahren um die Welt in Kambodscha

Phnom Penh Post

Article in Phnom Penh Post

Article in Phnom Penh Post


Kampuchea Thmei Daily

Kampuchea Thmei Daily


Koh Santepheap

Koh Sanhtepeap Article

Koh Sanhtepeap Article



SEA TV Evening news



Ministry of Information Cambodia

Ministry of information Cambodia News

Ministry of information Cambodia News



Press inquiries

If you are a journalist, travel blogger, influencer or any other content creator, please get in contact with us if you have any further questions. You can also download our latest press releases.

Press release Dine With The Locals

Announcement DWTL wants hosts

Press Release Dine With The Locals Digital Cambodia (2)