Plastic free food experience in Cambodia

Date : Jul - 10 - 2019

We are taking the environment we live in seriously. Cambodia has precious forests, waterfalls, costal areas and beautiful landscapes. This should be preserved. But we are also aware of the lack of infrastructure, in particular when it comes to garbage. While we cannot change all at once to a plastic free environment, we want at least to help reducing waste. One thing we do: We are supporting the Initiative Green Clean Cambodia.


A market stall in Siem Reap

A market stall in Siem Reap

Vegetables packed in plastic and styrofoam in a supermarket

Vegetables packed in plastic and styrofoam in a supermarket

And we actively encourage our hosts to be plastic free. It’s actually an easy task, since our guests will get a homemade meal in a local Cambodian house, where plastic is reduced to a minimum. We serve from steel or ceramic plates, water comes in cups and glasses, the food is brought from the local market or sometimes even from the own garden.

Our host Loy works for a garbage company

Our host Loy works for a garbage company

One of our hosts in Siem Reap, Loy, is actually a manager at the local Garbage collection company GAEA. Part of her duties is teaching local communities about garbage reduction, the plastic free concept  and recycling. She is also active with many environmental groups in Siem Reap. So is Panha Yem in Battambang. She is has her own organic farm, but her passion for nature and an intact environment goes even further: She supports locals groups in avoiding the use of plastic and how recycling works.

Plastic free can also means reuse 

When you see a water bottle at our hosts place, then it’s us usually used to server the drinking water from the tank, which is connected to the filtering system. This is how things are recycled. And if there are water bottles left, they will be collected and sold to the recycling companies and the collectors. This way we can help also those who make a living from the recycling business.

 We are aware that once you buy at the market, plastic bags are still used. But this is less than shopping in a supermarket. When you buy from a stall selling vegetables, they are all packed in one back. And different from a supermarket vegetables, fruits and meats and fish are not wrapped in plastic and styrofoam. So buying at the local Is actually a really good way to reduce plastic and become as plastic free as possible. Also, we encourage our hosts to collect all non-organic garbage separately and bring it to the collection points, so the local Waste company can pick it up.

You can see it yourself when you visit on of our hosts and help them cooking. We are working on a market tour as well, where you can buy the ingredients together with the hosts, learn their names and how they are used in Khmer cuisine.


10 ways to reduce plastic and styrofoam while traveling

  1. Re-use plastic bottles or get a bottle you can refill
  2. Avoid styrofoam boxes at street food stalls
  3.  Look for street food places where you can sit
  4. Re-use plastic bags, for example as rain cover for bags and shoes
  5. Buy at local markets fresh fruits and vegetables
  6. Give used plastic bottles to recycling places or collectors
  7. Don’t use straws and asked for a simple glas instead
  8. Avoid buying food thats wrapped in plastic
  9. Use a re-useable bag for shopping
  10. Use garbage bins in case you have to use some plastic bags or bottles.